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Bleachorexia is nothing but teeth whitening gone too far in an obsession to have too white or pearly white teeth.
Bleachorexia is an unhealthy obsession with the whitening of teeth. Yes, bleaching if done excessively can be really harmful and can have really bad effects on your teeth.

Overbleaching of teeth can have irreversible damage and in severe cases, it can also cause erosion of teeth and in turn, this can cause permanent discoloration of teeth. Once the enamel is permanently eroded it can’t be recovered back. Once it is lost it is lost forever.

The major danger of tooth whitening is that it can cause sensitivity to your teeth. The products that are used to perform bleaching can cause gingival irritation or sometimes can cause permanent damage to your gums.

Tooth whitening is great in moderation but if it is done excessively it can cause permanent damage to your teeth. If you ever have to get a teeth whitening procedure done please consult a professional who can guide you what is the best line of treatment for you.